Basics of Rock Climbing
So you were on a family vacation to Yosemite National Park to do a bit of hiking, see some waterfalls, avoid the bears, and generally kick it with the family. Standing at a roadside pull-off you happen to look up atEl Capitan, the ridiculously huge wall of rock that rises thousands of feet from the valley floor. What the hell? Is that a person? A red dot, impossibly high off the ground seems to be stuck to the wall like a fly to flypaper. 'They must be in trouble,' you think. But then, the red dot moves ever so slightly upward. Holy hand cream, that's a rock climber! You point it out to the 'rents, who shudder and make you promise to NEVER EVER do that. You promise, but secretly cross your toes. Some chemical imbalance in your brain actually makes you think, 'geez, that looks like fun!' You silently vow: "one day, I will climb El Capitan, Half Dome, Devil's Tower, The Eiger, even Mount Everest!"
Slow down there cowboy. It's a long road to that point, filled with lots of challenges: training, falls, pain, vanishing paychecks and epic sends. But you have to start some place, and here and now is as good a moment as any! The following Basics of Rock Climbing pages will help you figure out where to start. There is enough here to send you on your road to international rock rat stardom. Learn about the Basic Moves in climbing, find out How to Belay for Toprope, practice the Basic Knots and learn the all-important Safety Checks and Commands, get stoked on Rappelling, and see what Beginning Gear you should consider buying. |